terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2014

Flawless trading,but no perfect day

Spotted great opportunities in the Seppi match and my trading was yet again,flawless.But the in the 2 big opportunities that would have gave me a nice profit I didnt get matched for 1 tick.Twice.In a row.Sigh...

As the prophecy of Sexual Karma never fails,the opportunities I did get matched on were losers.No problem,I killed those bastards almost before they were born.Ended up 25ish% on the red.

Gabashvilli up two breaks against Simon in the 3rd set isn't something you see everyday.The french is very good at making comebacks and Gaba is famous for the mental diarrhea when he is ahead.Layed him for my profit and almost got a jackpot,but Simon wasn't on his days.He still took the set to a final 6-4 which is very impressive given he was 4-1 down.

Kohli was broken early,so,no value in this game till now.Lets see how Dimitrov fares...

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